Wednesday, January 29, 2014

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The Result Always Number 1089

Previously , let's say you 're filling a magic show and plays it in front of the audience.
The steps are:

1 ) Write down number 1089 on a piece of paper, then save / hide the paper, do not let the audience see the numbers you wrote earlier .

2) Ask one of the audience to write 3 digit numbers (on paper), the rules of "Difference in the first digit and the last digit must be at least 2 (eg 153, 294, 486, 654 ..". While the person is writing, close your eyes so as if you are a real magician until the person is finished writing.

3) With the position of your eyes still closed, permit the person to write down that number with the digits reversed from right to left.
Example: If the audience choose the numbers 654, then he should write the number 456.

4) Setelah itu, minta orang itu untuk mengurangi kedua angka tersebut (angka besar - angka kecil).
Contoh: 654 - 456 = 198.

5) If you have obtained the results, ask _ him to reverse the numbers.
Example: 198 becomes 891.

6) ask him to add new numbers to the numbers that have been reversed. The results of this sum is the end result that you will show.
Example: 198 + 891 = 1089.

7) The last step, open your eyes, and show the the audience numbers you write on a piece of paper, and the audience will be surprised.
The number you wrote the first time will be the same with the end result that was written by the audience.

Good Luck!


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